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Study in Ireland

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Ireland boasts a world class education system and has become an increasingly popular study destination for international students in recent years. Ireland remains the only English-speaking country in the European Union, providing great opportunities to secure employment throughout Europe.  Ireland… Read More »Study in Ireland

Study in United Kingdom

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The UK has gained an international reputation for learning and academia. The most notable UK universities; Oxford and Cambridge, were established over 800 years ago. According to the QS World University Rankings UK universities account for 20% of the world’s top 50… Read More »Study in United Kingdom

Study in Canada

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Canada is consistently ranked as one of the most popular countries in the world to live, study and work. In 2021 Canada ranked #1 as the most desirable country in the world to live. Canada is famous for their wide-open spaces, four… Read More »Study in Canada


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Australia’s population is much smaller than its international competitors; consequently, Australia’s quality of education and standard of living is amongst the highest in the world. Australia is home to 43 accredited universities. Students can study in three of the top… Read More »Study in AUSTRALIA

Study in USA

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The United states is one of the most popular study destinations for international students. It is home to some of the world‘s most prestigious colleges and universities, known as Ivy League Schools. According to QS World Rankings the United States boasts 59 out… Read More »Study in USA

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